Schuler, M.S., W.D. Hintz, D.K. Jones, L. Lind, B.M. Mattes, A.B. Stoler, K.Sudol, and R.A. Relyea. Under review. In search of safe alternatives: How common road salts and organic additives alter freshwater food webs. Journal of Applied Ecology.
Hintz, W.D., B.M. Mattes, M.S. Schuler, D.K. Jones, A.B. Stoler, L. Lind, and R.A. Relyea. Under review. Salinization triggers a trophic cascade in experimental freshwater communities with varying food-chain length. Ecological Applications.
Jones, D.K., B.M. Mattes, W.D. Hintz, M.S. Schuler, A.B. Stoler, L. Lind, R.O. Cooper, and R.A. Relyea. Effects of road salts on wetland communities. Anticipated submission: Environmental Pollution __:__-__.
Stoler, A. B., B. M. Walker, W. D. Hintz, D. K. Jones, L. Lind, B. M. Mattes, M. S. Schuler, and R. A. Relyea. 2016. Combined effects of road salt and an insecticide on wetland communities. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry __:__-__.
Woodley, S., B.M. Mattes, E.K. Yates & R.A. Relyea. 2015. Early life environment shapes brain morphology in larval but not metamorphic anurans. Oecologia 179:655-665.
Hua, J., D.K. Jones, R.D. Cothran, B.M. Mattes, R.A. Relyea, & J.H. Hoverman. 2015. Evolved pesticide tolerance in amphibians: Predicting mechanisms based on mode of action and pesticide novelty. Environmental Pollution 206:56-63.
Hua, J., D. K. Jones, B. M. Mattes, R. D. Cothran, R. A. Relyea, and J. T. Hoverman. 2015. The contribution of phenotypic plasticity to the evolution of insecticide tolerance in amphibian populations. Evolutionary Applications 8:586-596.
In review:
Hua, J., V.P. Wuerthner, M. Hiatt, D.K. Jones, R.D. Cothran, B.M. Mattes, R.A. Relyea & J.H. Hoverman. In prep. Interactions between insecticide exposure and trematode infection across 6 wood frog populations.
Stoler, A. B., Hintz, W., Jones, D., Lind, L., Schuler, M., Relyea, R. In review. Leaf litter mediates the impact of road salt on forested wetland communities. Oikos
In preparation:
Hua, J., V.P. Wuerthner, D.K. Jones, R.D. Cothran, B.M. Mattes, R.A. Relyea & J.H. Hoverman. In prep. Variation in trematode and ranavirus across 15-wood frog populations is associated with plasticity to carbaryl.